Treatment For Sensitive Teeth

Manviel cosmetic dental and tooth implants

For those individuals who feel pain when you sip your morning coffee or who cringe each time you brush or floss, Montz and Maher Dental Group is here for you. Dr.David Montz has been treating this common problem since 1997. Daily Oral Hygiene The first line of defense against tooth sensitivity is proper oral hygiene.…

What is Dental Sleep Medicine?

dental sleep medicine Friendswood

What is dental sleep medicine? It’s a relatively new branch of dentistry that treats sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing problems. Don’t confuse dental sleep medicine with dental sedation or sleep dentistry. Dental sleep medicine treats sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a disorder where you have frequent, recurring delays in breathing…

Why Improve Your Smile?

oral health Friendswood

Causes and consequences of poor dental health and how you can brush up on your own Most of us struggle with at least one area of our dental care. It could be that flossing is the one dreaded task, or maybe you haven’t been wearing the night guard recommended often enough. All of us should…

Repair Chipped Teeth With Bonding

Friendswood fix chipped tooth

A cosmetic dentist’s toolkit is filled with useful tools for fixing most types of cosmetic tooth dilemmas. In the past few years, porcelain veneers, dental implants, and same-day teeth whitening have attracted a lot of attention. Dental Bonding In today’s post, we are going to talk about an effective, yet relatively uncelebrated dental treatment that…